Getting Started with Arkady

The first step in working with Arkady is to think about what “action” you wish to make available for networked (websocket from another machine) or simply interprocess control. Let’s start with something simple and accessible, a generic interface to Nanpy, all you need to work along is an Arduino.

Nanpy is a great prototyping tool that lets you interface with an Arduino over a serial connection to control and read pins. Setup and usage will be covered in more detail below.

Choosing a listener

A listener is responsible for “listening” for external input, and at present there are two in Arkady: router and sub. The router handles asynchronous request-reply interaction and is best to use when you need to return information to a requester, or at least provide acknowledgment of receipt. The sub handles publish-subscribe type interaction which is a one-way kind of communication.

Because Nanpy permits reading the value of a pin, and I’ll want to be able to send this data back to a requester, I’m going to add a router to my Arkady Application.


from arkady import Application

class MyApplication(Application):
    def config(self):

The method config gets called during creation of the application and is a good place to put registrations of listeners and (as we’ll address in a moment) components. add_router will set up a router listener for the application, and we have explicitly passed bind_to='tcp://*:5555' which instructs the added router to listen on port 5555 (this is also the default if you don’t specify).

This application alone won’t do anything until we add at least one component to it.

Creating a component

The Nanpy interface has four main functions which we will wish to make accessible through the application: digitalRead, analogRead, digitalWrite, and analogWrite. So let’s create a component that implements those actions.

There are two central base components in Arkady from which to derive: SerialComponent and AsyncComponent. Arkady handles concurrency so it’s possible for more than one message to come in for a component and run simultaneously. This can be a problem in some cases, as in this case where we should only allow one message exchange over the USB to the Arduino at one time. So we’ll choose SerialComponent which ensures serial (not concurrent) execution of jobs.

from arkady.components import SerialComponent
from nanpy import SerialManager, ArduinoApi

class GenericNanpy(SerialComponent):
    def __init__(self, port, *args, **kwargs):
        super(GenericNanpy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._serial_manager = SerialManager(device=port, baudrate=115200)
        self.ardu = ArduinoApi(self._serial_manager)

    def analog_read(self, pin_number, *_words):
        """Read the pin in analog mode"""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.INPUT)
        return self.ardu.analogRead(pin_number)

    def digital_read(self, pin_number, *_words):
        """Read the pin in digital mode"""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.INPUT)
        return self.ardu.digitalRead(pin_number)

    def analog_write(self, pin_number, value, *_words):
        """Write the pin in analog mode to value"""
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            return 'ERROR: Got a value that could not be treated as integer'
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.OUTPUT)
        self.ardu.analogWrite(pin_number, value)

    def digital_write(self, pin_number, value, *_words):
        """Write the pin HIGH if value is 'high' otherwise LOW."""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.OUTPUT)
        if value == 'high':
            self.ardu.digitalWrite(pin_number, self.ardu.HIGH)
            self.ardu.digitalWrite(pin_number, self.ardu.LOW)

In the __init__ method we initialize the Nanpy ArduinoApi on the specified port In the methods analog_read, digital_read, analog_write, and digital_write we provide Nanpy functionality.

The next step is to write a message handler for the component. The application’s listeners will pass messages received along to this method.

class GenericNanpy(SerialComponent):


    def handler(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle an inbound message. Returned values go back as reply."""
        word_map = {
            'dwrite': self.digital_write,
            'awrite': self.analog_write,
            'dread': self.digital_read,
            'aread': self.analog_read,
        words = msg.split()
        if len(words) < 2:  # Check for too short message
            return 'ERROR: message must contain at least 2 words!'
        key_word = words[0]
            pin = int(words[1])
        except ValueError:
            return 'ERROR: got non-int for pin number {}'.format(words[1])
        if key_word not in word_map:  # Check if we recognize the first word
            return 'ERROR: not one of the known functions, {}'.format(word_map.keys())
            # Call the corresponding method
            ret_val = word_map[key_word](pin, *words[2:])
            if ret_val is not None:
                ret_val = str(ret_val)
            return ret_val
            return 'ERROR: "{}" failed, maybe a bad message or connection'.format(msg)

This handler method does the job of interpreting messages so that action may be taken, along with some error handling. Care is taken to return the results of the called methods, as the returned string values will get passed back to a client of our Arkady application as the body of a reply message, this will be addressed further below.

Now that our custom component has been implemented, we wish to add it to our application and register it so that messages may be passed to it. Let’s update


from arkady import Application

ARDUINO_PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0'  # On Windows this is more like "COM3"

class MyApplication(Application):
    def config(self):
        self.add_component('nanpy', GenericNanpy, ARDUINO_PORT)

This addition to config tells the application that when the listeners receive messages, if the first word of the message is “nanpy” then the message should go to an instance of GenericNanpy, created once for the application with GenericNanpy(ARDUINO_PORT).

Now the application is completed, and here it is all together:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Demonstration of a very generic Arkady interface to NanPy.

Direct dependencies are: arkady, nanpy
Indirect depencences are: pyserial, pyzmq

from arkady import Application
from arkady.components import SerialComponent

from nanpy import SerialManager, ArduinoApi

ARDUINO_PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0'  # On Windows this is more like "COM3"

class GenericNanpy(SerialComponent):
    def __init__(self, port, *args, **kwargs):
        super(GenericNanpy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._serial_manager = SerialManager(device=port, baudrate=115200)
        self.ardu = ArduinoApi(self._serial_manager)

    def analog_read(self, pin_number, *_words):
        """Read the pin in analog mode"""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.INPUT)
        return self.ardu.analogRead(pin_number)

    def digital_read(self, pin_number, *_words):
        """Read the pin in digital mode"""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.INPUT)
        return self.ardu.digitalRead(pin_number)

    def analog_write(self, pin_number, value, *_words):
        """Write the pin in analog mode to value"""
            value = int(value)
        except ValueError:
            return 'ERROR: Got a value that could not be treated as integer'
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.OUTPUT)
        self.ardu.analogWrite(pin_number, value)

    def digital_write(self, pin_number, value, *_words):
        """Write the pin HIGH if value is 'high' otherwise LOW."""
        self.ardu.pinMode(pin_number, self.ardu.OUTPUT)
        if value == 'high':
            self.ardu.digitalWrite(pin_number, self.ardu.HIGH)
            self.ardu.digitalWrite(pin_number, self.ardu.LOW)

    def handler(self, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        """Handle an inbound message. Returned values go back as reply."""
        word_map = {
            'dwrite': self.digital_write,
            'awrite': self.analog_write,
            'dread': self.digital_read,
            'aread': self.analog_read,
        words = msg.split()
        if len(words) < 2:  # Check for too short message
            return 'ERROR: message must contain at least 2 words!'
        key_word = words[0]
            pin = int(words[1])
        except ValueError:
            return 'ERROR: got non-int for pin number {}'.format(words[1])
        if key_word not in word_map:  # Check if we recognize the first word
            return 'ERROR: not one of the known functions, {}'.format(word_map.keys())
            # Call the corresponding method
            ret_val = word_map[key_word](pin, *words[2:])
            if ret_val is not None:
                ret_val = str(ret_val)
            return ret_val
            return 'ERROR: "{}" failed, maybe a bad message or connection'.format(msg)

class MyApplication(Application):
    def config(self):
        self.add_component('nanpy', GenericNanpy, ARDUINO_PORT)


A Client for our Arkady Application

It should be noted, that because Arkady makes use of ZeroMQ, a client can be written in nearly any language as bindings are widely implemented. The following example is simply an example in Python using PyZMQ. It is interactive so that you might test out sending arbitrary messages to your Arduino (via Nanpy, via Arkady!).

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Demonstration of a program controlling the very generic Arkady interface to

Direct dependencies are: pyzmq

import zmq

NANPY_ADRRESS = 'tcp://localhost:5555'  # replace localhost with IP if remote

context = zmq.Context()
sock = context.socket(zmq.REQ)

while True:
    msg = input('Send a message to the Nanpy device: ')
    # set first word as "nanpy" so message goes to our registered component
    sock.send_string('nanpy ' + msg)
    print('Waiting for reply.')
    reply = sock.recv_string()
    print('Got: ' + reply)

A Quick Guide to Setting up Nanpy

Using Nanpy from your computer is as simple as:

pip install nanpy

To put the corresponding firmware on your Arduino, you can get a copy of this firmware with the following command. These instructions are also outlined there.

git clone

Then change directories to the subsequent nanpy-firmware directory and execute ./ Then copy the nanpy-firmware/Nanpy directory into your Arduino sketchbook directory.

Plug in your Arduino, start the Arduino IDE, configure your boardset and port, open the Nanpy module from the sketchbook, and then Upload. Assuming everything went well, your Arduino should be ready for Nanpy control.